The NCCHPS and NCCAAPM will be meeting jointly in Madison, WI on Friday, November 8th. The agenda is listed below.
There will also be a social "Night Out" event on Thursday night supported by vendors at The Coopers Tavern.
7:15 - Registration and continental breakfast (45 min)
8:00 - Welcome, Introductions, and Announcements (15 min)
8:15 - Morning Session I
Todd Pawlicki (AAPM President): “AAPM Current Activities and News” (60 min)
Mike Lewandowski (HPS President-Elect): “HPS Current Activities and News” (15 min)
Mike Lewandowski (HPS President-Elect): “Radiation Gauging - a practical application of basic science” (60 min)
10:30 - Morning break and vendor interactions (15 min)
Tripp Commons Room (2nd Floor)
10:45 - Morning Session II
Mary Ann Spohrer (CRCPD): “CRCPD - An Overview of Who We Are and What We do” (30min)
Sydney Larrabee (UW): “Ordering, receiving, and delivery of radioactive materials for campus labs” (20 min)
Jason Hout (Mayo Clinic): “The association between musculoskeletal disorders and lead apron use” (20 min)
Ashley Tao (Gundersen/Emplify Health): “ DREAM Program” (10 min)
12:05 - NCC-AAPM & NCC-HPS Business Meetings (30 min)
NCC-AAPM: Old Madison Room (3rd Floor)
NCC-HPS: Beefeaters Room (3rd Floor)
12:35 - Lunch break/Vendor interactions (55 min)
Profile and Tripp Commons Rooms (2nd Floor)
13:30 - Early Career Investigator Competition (90 min)
15:00 - Afternoon break and vendor interactions (30 min)
15:30 - Afternoon Session
Bennett Greenspan (UW): “LNT is Wrong and Radiation Hormesis is Real” (30 min)
Maryam Mashayekhi (Mayo Clinic): “Review of Ortho Voltage Practice at Mayo Clinic” (30min)
Haidy Nasief (MCW): “The integral role of radiomics in establishing an interpretable descriptor of response for better patient specific outcomes” (30 min)
Nicholas G. Zacharopoulos (Aktina CEO)): “The Role of the Clinical Isocenter in Reducing LINAC Geometric Errors” (30 min)
17:30 - Closing remarks, Awards, and Adjourn (15 min)